Health & Nutrition:


Health & Physical activity:

Physical activity is embedded in our day-to-day practice. Children are encouraged to participate in physical activities during indoor and outdoor spontaneous play experiences by setting up indoor and outdoor areas in a way that promotes and encourages safe physical play for all age groups and developmental abilities represented in the service.


We are an approved Munch & Move service who are funded by NSW health and support Early Childhood services with information for families, training opportunities and resources about healthy eating and physical activity. We have adapted the Munch & Move program into our daily curriculum.


Nutritional meals provided:

Our centre has two qualified cooks who hold qualifications in nutrition, menu planning and safe food handling. They prepare and cook all meals on our premises. This includes breakfast, morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea. Our menu is based off the dietary guidelines for children in Australia, and are based on the recommended food groups and recommended portion sizes as outlined in the nutrition checklist for menu planning. We also happily cater for any children with allergies or special dietary requirements.


There is a daily menu displayed on the wall of each room and near the kitchen. This is rotated each week on a four week rotational basis. We happily welcome any feedback and suggestions from families.